Congenital metabolic diseases and developmental disorders
ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Saskia Wortmann, PhD
Congenital metabolic diseases, developmental disorders and rare epilepsy
Priv. Doz. DI Dr. Hans Mayr
Mitochondrial metabolism diagnostics
ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Kofler
Receptor biochemistry and cancer metabolism
Priv. Doz. Dr. Florian Lagler
Lysosomal storage diseases
Gastroenterology, hepatology
and nutrition
Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Weghuber
Obesity and associated metabolic diseases
Dr. Anna Maria Schneider, PhD
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
Neonatology and Early Life Care
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Wald
Feeding of premature infants and developmental support
Univ. Prof. Dr. Nadja Haiden
Breast milk and regenerative medicine
Dr. rer. nat. Beate Priewasser
Early Life Care
Paediatric surgery
Dr. Marco Ginzel
Dr. Georgina Brandtner
Bladder management after paraplegic injury
Dr. Esra Keller
Bladder management after paraplegic injury
Univ. Prof. Dr. Roman Metzger
Gastrointestinal and urogenital motility
Multi-professional team
Um neue Forschungserkenntnisse in die Behandlung integrieren zu können, braucht es neben dem ärztlichen Fachwissen auch die Betreuung durch ein multiprofessionelles Team unterschiedlicher Berufsgruppen.
Sandra Laimer, BSc
Nicole Eberl, MA
Sandra Randweg, BSc
Speech therapy
Dr. Andrea Oswald, MSc
Occupational therapie
Mag. Edith Haberpeuntner
Music therapy
Eva Hackenberg, dipl. Kunsttherapeutin
Art therapy
Anna Spitzer, MSc
Ulli Zeiler, DSA
Social work
SD Dipl.-Päd. Markus Schwarz, BEd
Rehab school